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Unravelling Your Body Story


Unravelling our own body story can feel like a monumental journey. Where did all these beliefs we have about food and our body really come from? Not only are we unravelling our own story we are facing passed on beliefs and information through our own family of origin and the society around us. The diet industry profits off of our insecurities promising thin = happy, knowing full well diets don't work long term. Yet we keep trying and paying for the latest tricks and tips. I mean, how can we trust ourselves around food when we are constantly being told what to eat, drink, and even think. For years I was caught in this trap. Always looking to find the newest and best diet, exercise program or the next magic pill. All the while getting further and further away from myself. I just wanted to escape my body but there was nowhere to go. Does this sound familiar to you? Many of us have had our own struggles with food and body yet its something we hide away, a shameful part of ourselves we want to lock up. Wouldn't it be nice to turn down all the noise around us and come back to a place of peace and trust within ourselves.

So lets take a few deep slow breaths

I believe the path to healing our relationship with food and our bodies begins with accepting ourselves as we are right now. We are whole and worthy. Believing we are broken keeps us trapped in thinking we need to be fixed and looking outside of ourselves. When we accept and show compassion to ourselves we can tune in and begin to understand what our body truly needs.

Curiosity + Compassion = Inner Body Wisdom

One of the first ways I learned to trust my body was through forgiveness. Forgiving yourself and asking your body for forgiveness can lead to a new loving relationship within. I feel this is a step in the path to self acceptance that can't be missed. It lays the foundation for the healing process to begin. To truly transform our food story our bodies need to feel relaxed. Imagine if you were berating a friend for all of their perceived shortcomings, would this be helpful ? Of course not and your body is no different. It just wants acceptance and love. Our bodies posses so much innate wisdom, what would happen if we actually started listening? Forgiveness is key and we can keep forgiving ourselves as long and as many times as needed. I'm sure I'll be doing this for the rest of this beautiful and messy life of mine. Forgiveness is a practice, not another thing to get right. I am always telling myself to forgive myself for not being more forgiving to myself. There is always room for a little lightness and humor !

The Path Begins With Forgiveness

In my next blog post I will take a deeper look into forgiveness and share some practices that have helped me release the cycle of shame and build trust within.

"Forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself"

Maya Angelou



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